
The Nordschleife Needs your HELP

By now you have all seen the news, that the Eifel region has been hit hard by the massive floods. 


During Wednesday and Thursday massive floods created chaos in the Eifel Region. Trackandtuner is shocked to see these images and hear the stories from our close friends and partners. 


This article is created to state the current 18/07/2021 facts and to help the ones in need. 

The Eifel is so much more than the Nordschleife.


During our visits we have been to many great places around the Nordschleife like Insul, Dorsel, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Mayen and many many more. Not just to race but to go out for dinner, for a nice ice cream, talk to the locals, buy some nice wine and enjoy the gorgeous roads and nature. 


Therefore we are shocked to see these places completely destroyed. Places were we have set down, enjoyed a meal, or watched some great cars passing by. We feel for all the people and all we can hope is that there are safe. 


The area of destruction is massive and will an extreme hard job to recover from. However like the great Nurburgring Community, the Nurburgring now acts as the center helping point. Collecting food, water and clothes, setting up beds in the paddock and coordinating help to all the villages. 


While we encourage everyone to help, please do so by reaching out to the local authorities to see where and how you can safely help. Lots of roads are still closed or literally completely gone, so stay safe and stay out of the way of all helping forces. 


Check out the latest situation here or report to the Nurburgring Boulevard:

Bitburger Event-Center! 


You can also report to Apex Nurburg which organize help. 


For all international fans of the Nordschleife, please donate to help the people get back up on their feet, they read need OUR help now.


Together will we rise back!



Die Kreissparkasse Ahrweiler hat hierfür ein Soforthilfekonto eingerichtet
IBAN: DE 86577513100000339457


Our Partners Nasy Performance was hit hard, with floods destroying his garage. We feel extremely bad and we always needed his help, now he needs ours. Check out the donation site here

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